Monday, February 3, 2020


                                                   Chore List 

Every child has different chores they have to do that are set up by their parents but if you need some help on what chores to have your child do here is a list to get you started. I recommend that you use this as a guideline and set up what you think is appropriate for your child and his needs.
                                                 1 Year old 

⦁ Eat All Your Food
⦁ Brush Teeth
⦁ Bath Time
⦁ Practice ABC'S and 123's
⦁ Practice Shapes and Colors
⦁ Put Dirty Clothes In Clothes Basket
⦁ Help Put Up Spoons From Dishwasher

                                                 2-3 Year Olds

⦁ Any Of The Previous Chores
⦁ Put Up Blankets and Pillows
⦁ Put Toys Away
⦁ Throw Trash Away
⦁ Put Books Up 
⦁ Help Set Table
⦁ Help Fold Towels and Washcloths 

                                               4-5 Year Olds

⦁ Any Of The Previous Chores
⦁ Make Your Bed
⦁ Clean Out From Under Bed
⦁ Feed The Pets
⦁ Pick Up Toys
⦁ Water Plants
⦁ Put Away Dishes You Can Reach
⦁ Dust Furniture

⦁ Clean Table After Dinner

                                                6-7 Year Olds

⦁ Any Of The Previous Chores
⦁ Sweep Kitchen Floor
⦁ Get Trash From Bathrooms
⦁ Wipe Down Dishwasher
⦁ Fold Or Hang Up Clothes
⦁ Clean Bathrooms

⦁ Clean Baseboards

                                                 8-9 Year Olds

⦁ Any Of The Previous Chores
⦁ Walk Dogs
⦁ Bring Garbage Cans From Curb
⦁ Help Bring In Groceries And Put Them Up
⦁ Get Mail 
⦁ Pick Up Sticks
⦁ Rake Leaves

                                                 10-11 Year Olds

⦁ Any Of The Previous Chores
⦁ Vacuum Floors
⦁ Sweep And Mop
⦁ Clean Out Car

I also recommend having a chore chart for your children. There are several free printables online that you could use or you could make your own if you can't find one to meet your specific needs. I also recommend giving rewards at the end of each week and possibly a bigger reward at the end of the month if they have done their chores. Some people give cash or change, some give toys or candy, and some people give them a big movie night or craft night. If they have video games or tablets they could have an extra 15 minutes or something.


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