Friday, January 8, 2021

The Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is a great way to help yourself with ease and inexpensively. A lot of people around the world use meditation to better themselves.

1. Meditation lowers Cortisol levels. Research shows that mindfulness meditation lowers the hormone that causes stress. Reducing Cortisol can decrease general stress, anxiety, and depression.

2. You can better deal with stress. Meditation gives a sense of calm to the mind and body that can reduce stress.

3. It eases anxiety. Meditation is the perfect, portable anti-anxiety treatment. Taking just a few minutes to close your eyes and do breathing exercises can turn off the mechanisms in your brain that cause anxiety.

4. It reduces depression symptoms. Depression is a mental health condition often triggered by stress and anxiety. People who meditate also show increased gray matter in the brain’s hippocampus, responsible for memory.

5. You’ll get a mood boost. Meditation helps you deal with stress, anxiety, and other difficult situations, which makes you happier and feel better. 

6. It’s good for your heart. Meditation can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Meditation positively impacts blood pressure, heart muscle effectiveness, and cardiovascular mortality.

7. It lowers blood pressure. Meditation may improve blood pressure naturally, without medication.

8. It enhances Serotonin levels. Serotonin is a chemical produced in nerve cells that works as a natural mood stabilizer. When you meditate, you’ll increase serotonin levels, which acts like a natural anti-depressant.

9. You’ll break bad habits. Whether it’s smoking or shopping too much, meditation brings awareness to your actions at that moment and helps you break the cycle of a bad habit.

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