Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Things I Do When It's Cold

 Its simple and easy for me to answer that question! I completely hate the cold since I am very cold natured. So anyways..... If I can get away with it when its cold I sit on the couch bundled up in a blanket. I also make sure that I have on warm pants, a long sleeve shirt, and some fuzzy socks. YES..... I said fuzzy socks!!! Don't laugh we all know that they are comfortable and warm! I also like to take time to work on my blog,  catch up on reading, watch a show, oh and don't forget about the Hot Chocolate! No matter what I'm doing I must have my hot chocolate! And if the kids are both in school on said day then I like to just enjoy the silence because we all know that kids can be a handful sometimes and silence is just an extra miracle that God sent down for us mommas to enjoy when we get the chance. Then there are other time where I turn on my love song playlist and just enjoy listening to that. If there are any other days that I have free time I like to just nap because as we all know mommas do not get enough sleep no matter what they do. 

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