Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Baby Hacks

 We all need things that will make life a little easier especially when we have a baby on our hip. Therefore, I am going to make a list of things that will help out everyone who has a baby or will soon have a baby on their hip.

1. Storing Pacifiers- There are a few ways you can do this. First there is always storing them in a ziplock bag. Second, store them in a small container. 

2.  Sock Storage- Use a mesh bag to store all you babies socks. This is an easy way to keep the babies socks in a safe place without having to organize them in a drawer.

3. Handy Baby Items- Store baby essentials in a wire basket that is easily moved for a faster and cleaner cleanup

4. Keep Tiny Hands Clean- Use the babies onesie or sleeper to keep their tiny hands out of the mess while you change them

5.  Mom’s Clean Hands- Use a soft makeup brush to spread diaper rash medicine on babies butt and keep your hands clean

6. No Mold- To protect your baby for mold that will set up in their bath toys, fill the holes with hot glue.

7. Keep Baby Bottles Smelling Fresh- Use toothpaste and water to deodorize baby bottles.

8. Keep Up With Medicine Doses- Write the date, time, and how much on the side if the bottle with a sharpie to keep an accurate check on doses.

9. Portable Changing Station- Use a wipe box to store you wipes, extra clothes, and diapers for on the go.

10. Trade Out- Trade out Puffs snacks for Cheerios 

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