Saturday, January 2, 2021

Weight Loss In the New Year- Meal Plan

Good Morning Ladies! Yesterday I gave you tips about high-protein foods you could eat for weight loss. Today, I will help you put a meal plan that includes those foods. Now, remember you do not have to do this every day although you can if you want to. Let’s get started!

Day 1: 
  • Banana And Protein Shake
  • Chicken Breast With Water 
  • NOTE: I usually don’t do this for supper because we usually have some kind of meat and veggie with our supper which will contain some protein in it. But if you would like you may add in your soda with supper and a piece of chocolate for dessert.

Day 2:
  • Eggs And Milk
  • Tuna With Water
  • NOTE: I usually don’t do this for supper because we usually have some kind of meat and veggie with our supper which will contain some protein in it. But if you would like you may add in your soda with supper and a piece of chocolate for dessert.
Day 3:
  • Oats And Protein Shake
  • Shrimp With Water
  • NOTE: I usually don’t do this for supper because we usually have some kind of meat and veggie with our supper which will contain some protein in it. But if you would like you may add in your soda with supper and a piece of chocolate for dessert.
Day 4:
NOTE: On day 3 or 4 of this routine I like to start changing things up a bit
  • Cantaloupe With Soda 
  • Peanuts/Peanut Butter With Protein Shake
  • NOTE: I usually don’t do this for supper because we usually have some kind of meat and veggie with our supper which will contain some protein in it. But if you would like you may add in your soda with supper and a piece of chocolate for dessert.
Day 5:
  • Protein Shake
  • Broccoli And Cheese With Water
  • NOTE: I usually don’t do this for supper because we usually have some kind of meat and veggie with our supper which will contain some protein in it. But if you would like you may add in your soda with supper and a piece of chocolate for dessert.

There you go ladies, just an example of some food and drink combinations to get you started. You don’t have to go by this exactly, I would much rather you find foods that you like and make a plan up for yourselves.

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