Tuesday, January 28, 2020

2020 Resolutions Continued....

                                    2020 Resolutions  
                                        Continued....... The second part of my resolutions post is Eating Healthier. Eating healthier will help with the first resolution (Lose 10 Pounds) as well as help with some health issues such as sugar, cholesterol, high blood pressure and others. So much like the first part of my resolution post I will be doing a list to help organize this one as well. Now onto the next part!   2. Eating Healthier: Eating healthier doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. I can just vision in my head my readers wrinkling their noses at me lol. 
  • Cut Down On Sugar: Yes i said some bad words their didn't I but it will be ok. I know we all love some sugar and with that being said, you don't have to give up all your sugar (and I know some of you are thinking about some of your favorite chocolates and such) but you can at least cut down how much sugar you eat on a daily basis or even in a week. If you don't want to do that then there are alternatives that you can use such as,
        1. Splenda        2. Equal         3. Stevia              Now there are also alternatives to the candy bars that        we like to eat.         1. No-Bake Almond Joy Bars  2. Ultimate Power Balls                                                                    3. Homemade Dark Chocolate Chunky Bar  All of these recipes can be found anywhere on the i internet but i used Shape.com
  • Cut Down On Caffeine: Yes you should probably start worrying about your coffee and soda intake. Coffee and soda have a lot of caffeine in them and the more you drink the more caffeine you put into your system. Caffeine can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing if you have to much of it in your system. 
  1. It can keep you up at night and keep you from getting the rest you need  2. Just like many other things in this world it can become an addiction which may cause health problems later in your life  3. Cutting down some will help you save money as well (we all know half my readers go get coffee at Starbucks or someplace that is similar)
  •   Eat Foods That Are Good For Heart Health: We all want to keep our heart healthy so we don't have a heart attack and miss out on things with our families. So here are some food you can eat to keep your heart healthy.
  1. Eat fish high in omega-3s, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring and trout.  2. A handful of healthy nuts such as almonds or walnuts will satisfy your hunger and help your heart. 3. Berries are chock full of heart-healthy phytonutrients and soluble fiber. I have another tip for you, If you have eaten healthy for a week then you can spoil yourself with something small as a victory celebration. Another way to keep yourself focused while eating healthy is to give yourself pep talks. Remind yourself why your doing it whether it be so you can look good or make yourself healthier. If you have any resolutions you like to share please do so.

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