Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Lets Declutter!

                                    Lets Declutter!

We all know that it's about time to declutter all the things that we have brought in or saved from the previous year or even just the previous months. Everyone has some clutter and if not then everyone has something they could get rid of that they really don't need or have to keep for another year.
For me it's all my kids school papers from when they started kindergarten up until now (and let me tell you that with two kids bringing home stuff it's a lot lol). IT'S A DECLUTTERING ADVENTURE! Of course I started out with a list but the problem with that was the fact that there was still to much stuff for me to keep. Therefore, I made another list and I sat and thought real hard about which things I wanted to keep. Thankfully I finally ended up with a list that I thought was small enough that I could keep all the important things I wanted to keep.

The final list looks likes this:
      1. Actual Graded Papers
      2. Art Work
      3. Awards

To me these things were the most important. I organized the graded papers and awards in two different sections of a binder for me to keep. The art work (since most of the papers are big) I put in one of those large vacuum bags that you can vacuum all the air out of  and that way I could preserve them as well. So all in all my decluttering worked out great. So that being said when you are decluttering figure out what things are more important to you.

Here is a list of questions that you can ask yourself while your on your decluttering adventure.

 1.Which items are more important?
 2. Am I really going to wear that in the next six months?
 3. Am I going to use this item in the next six months?
 4. Do I really need this item?
 5. Who would use this more than I do?
 6. Where can I donate the items I get rid of?
 7. Can I possible have a yard sale with these items?
 8. Can I recycle these items?
 9. Can I use these items for another purpose?
10. Is this item a keepsake that needs to got to storage?

Hopefully with that list you will be able to declutter. To be perfectly honest you could probably get rid of half the items in your house, garage, or storage building. Try it and let me know how it goes for you and if you have any other things you think I should add please let me know. 

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