Tuesday, January 28, 2020

2020 Resolutions

                                    2020 Resolutions

OK everyone! Its Resolution time! So I know that half of the world has a resolution for the beginning of the new year. That being said each person has a different resolution or maybe even more than one so lets talk about that shall we. What is your resolution/resolutions for the 2020 year? I must tell you that I am a firm believer in making lists for just about everything that I do, so I am going to do just that in just a few minutes, but first...... I would like to share something that a friend shared with me a few days ago about her resolutions for this year. My friend has decided that this year she is going to redo every resolution she has had for the past five years throughout the 2020 year. The only change she is making to those resolutions is that she is going to do them on a smaller scale so she can finish them all by the end of this year. For example, one of her resolutions was to lose 20 pounds so this year instead of her losing 20 pounds she has brought the amount down to 10 pounds. I wish my friend all the luck in the whole on finishing her resolutions this year!
I am only going to go over two resolutions in this specific post one being Lose 10 Pounds and the second being Eating Healthier. I will give a few examples on each topic to help my reader achieve their goals (if the same).

  1. Lose 10 Pounds: Everyone wants to lose weight from all the good food that was eaten during the holidays so here are a few apps that will help you with you on your journey.

  •  Lose It: Tracks your calorie intake and how much you burn during exercise. Calculates calorie targets based on personal stats and goals (age, weight, gender, etc.). Extensive built-in library of foods and exercise activities. Social community for support. The down side of this app is limited goal tracking with free version. No future date food or exercise planning with free version. The app asks you a few basic questions about yourself and then give you a daily calorie target based on how much weight you want to lose. You will get a visual graph and log of your calorie breakdown for the foods and exercises you log into the app. This app is available for IOS and Android and can be upgraded from the free version for $39.99 a year.
  • MyFitnessPal: Is a food tracking app and has the largest food database right now. This app has over eleven million foods included in its food library. You can also import your recipes to the app so its easier to move the nutritional information from recipes to the app. There is also over three hundred and fifty exercises to log plus over fifty apps and devices that can be connected to it. The downside of this app is that there is no nutrient dashboard, food analysis or other features with free version. If you don't want to stick with the free version you can upgrade for $9.99 a month or $49.99 a year. This app is available IOS and Andriod.
Those are two apps that will help out. But..... if you need extra motivation to get through your resolution I have a few other apps that you might want to try. What I mean by motivation is the fact that their are apps that will pay you to lose weight so here's a few of those apps as well.

  • HealthyWage: One of the main incentive based wight loss apps and has been shown on CNN and many other networks. This is how it works…Use the site’s calculator to select how much weight you want to lose. Then, choose how much time you think you will need to lose the weight. This can range from 6 to 18 months. Finally, you will need to decide how much you want to bet each month. You can choose an amount from $20 to $500. The more weight you want to lose, you can choose a longer the time frame, and the more you bet, the more money you'll win. The rest of your money will come from other users who haven’t met their goals. You can also participate in the site’s challenges. When you participate in challenges, you can win big cash rewards. For example, with the site’s 10% challenge, you pay $100 to take part, and then if you lose 10% of your body weight, within six months, you win $200.
  • Achievement: This app pays you to get healthy. It works with activity tracker apps like Fitbit and MyFitnessPal. Just install the Achievement app, then connect one or more of those apps to it and start getting money. For every activity you do you can earn points. Once you have 10,000 points (which is $10) you can use it for rewards. You can choose to get paid by PayPal or Direct Deposit or you can donate your money to a charity. These are some things that help you get money with this app walking, meditating, logging food, sleeping and others.This app is available for IOS and Android.
The next part of the 2020 Resolution (Eating Healthier) will be continued in the following post so please continue to read until you have read all of the post.

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