Thursday, January 30, 2020

Don't Cry For Me

  Don't Cry For Me

Let me give a little background information before i start this. Yesterday was my grandmothers birthday and she passed away several years ago but my aunt has always had a hard time each year on this day. So I wrote this for my aunt trying to help a little. I wrote it like it was a letter from my grandmother to her children and grandchildren hoping that it might bring all of us some comfort and peace.

A message to my children and grandchildren:
My dear ones if I haven't or wasn't able to you tell you," I love you all." I wish with all my heart that I could be there with you to watch you grow and have families of your own but that wasn't the plan for me. I do not wish for you to cry for me because I am always watching over you even though I'm gone now. I spent my life as I needed to, I lived my life. I loved and hated, had my ups and downs, and was able to see and learn many thing in my lifetime. My days were well spent on this earth and I have no regrets so don't cry for me my dear ones. I know you all hurt from my passing but I am in a better place, a place where there's no pain or sadness or all the worldly problems so don't cry for me. Instead live your life and be happy with the memories we have together that you can share with your children. Teach you children and grandchildren all the things I have taught you and be happy with just me in your memories but don't cry for me. I cherished each and everyone of you and I know you loved me as I did all of you. My dear ones I must go now for I haven't much time but remember these words i have said and keep them in your heart. I love you.

It is my hope that with me sharing this part of my life it will also help someone else. If it does help please let me know or if you just want someone to talk to I will listen.

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