Thursday, January 30, 2020



So a few minutes ago I posted the letter Don't Cry For Me. So now I want to share some other things that might help as well. 
My grandmother was one of the greatest people in the world to me. She passed on several years ago but yesterday was her birthday so I wanted to share some fond memories I have of her and the things I adored about her. I have to say that I always loved her very much but my teenage years were some of the best times I had with her.
My grandmother was always loving and tried to do her best to keep everyone happy. The main image that comes to mind when I think about her is her smile. It didn't matter what was going on in life, or if she was sick, everytime I walked through her front door she has a smile just for me and a "hey kid" for me.
Grandma always had something that would make me smile and laugh. I remember a couple of times I was with her she would have her dentures out, we would talk about what she was going to eat for lunch or supper, and she would tell me that her teeth weren't in so she would have to gum her goodies, and then she would smack her gums at me just to make me laugh.
Then there were times we would watch tv shows together. Now grandma killed me with her reruns of certain shows, you know the ones i'm talking about lol. She would watch Days of our lives, mash, murder she wrote, and many others that I could probably quote now lol. But the funniest thing about watching tv with grandma was that she always knew what was going to happen before it did and then would spoil it for me just to see me pout, and then when a handsome rich man would pop up on the screen she would tell me she was going to get her one of those rich men so they could take care of her and would look nice hanging on her arm lol. 
Now, my fondest memories with my grandma would have to be when we would sit down to play cards. Let me just tell you I think my grandma was a Vegas card shark that just happened to get stuck in my little town for some reason, I Swear! lol. She would win everytime and it didn't matter what I did I couldn't win against her. I swear she would come up with cards that I didn't know she had and make a big play or just out right win the game all of a sudden. Don't tell anybody but I think grandma was playing card tricks on me when we were playing our card games lol.
Well, that's a little insight on the person I adored the most and I hope that this will help someone else and maybe get them to post about the same subject.

                        With All The Love In My Heart
                    Be Forever Remembered Grandma!

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