Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What are your favorite memories from 2019?

              What are your favorite memories from 2019?

How was 2019 for all of my readers? Did you have an easy year or struggle continuously? Do you have good or bad memories from 2019? I'm sure we all had some stressful times in 2019 but instead of  focusing on the bad things I  want to focus on the good things, the positive things. I would like to share all my favorite memories of 2019 and hopefully you will join me in telling others some of your favorite memories.
My first memory of 2019 was when my aunt took me out for (not telling my age lol) my birthday. We went shopping at the mall. and ate out and just spent the whole day together just her and me. I was the happiest person in the world that day!
My second memory was my kids birthday parties. I didn't have a lot of money to do anything expensive so I was about to do everything DIY for them and they still loved it. My daughter had a DIY Princess birthday party and my son had a DIY Cars 3 birthday party. We all had a blast with family and friends while we had a cookout and of course cake and ice cream. But the best part was the joyous smiles my kids had on their faces during their birthday.
 My third memory was when my best friend/sister gave birth to my beautiful God son and God daughter. I was so overjoyed and ready to meet them. My little peanuts are very special and I do believe I was more excited than even their parents were lol. There really believe there is no greater thing than to bring a beautiful innocent life into this world to be loved and cared for.
My fourth memory was when I got to meet and talk my now 20 year old step-son to come and live with us. He has brought a lot of joy and laughter into my life and just brings a fresh new atmosphere into my home. To be completely honest I am overjoyed to have him with us. He's  sweet, caring and has a big heart and is growing into a fine young man who I believe will be a great influence in whatever he chooses to do.
And those are my best memories of 2019, I hope you enjoyed hearing about them and can share your own as well.

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