Sunday, November 8, 2020

What are you grateful for?

 I figured since it's November I would write a list of the things that I am grateful for in 2020. I understand that for some people it may be hard to think of things that you are grateful for this year since this is the year of Covid, but try to look past that whole ordeal and maybe you can think of a few things.

My List:

1. I am grateful for my husband and kids

2. I am grateful that my husband still has a job

3. I am grateful that my kids still have a shot at an education

4. I am grateful for the meals we have every night

5. I am grateful for the hot baths we can take at night

6. I am grateful that I get to spend a little extra time with my kids

7. I am grateful for the rest of my family and friends

8. I am grateful for the smiles my kids give me 

9. I am grateful for the " I love you momma's" I get

10. I am grateful for the kiss I get every morning before my husband heads to work

So, I just made a short list today. I encourage you to do the same. I understand that 2020 hasn't been the greatest year but as I said before try to look past that. Think of all the small things that you can be thankful  for and make a short list of your own.

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